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UT2004 Server






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, Half-Life 2 официальный сайт, демо игры Sublustrum, save для Halo 3 > Форумы > Unreal Tournament 2003 > Critical ERROR

Critical ERROR

Женя   29 марта 2003 в 08:07

При загрузке ureal''a вылетает окно.В нем написано билд анреала, название процаЮ какая винда и название видюхи, а ниже написано:
General protectio fault!

Dreamer   29 марта 2003 в 13:17

Давай полный лог....

Женя   1 апреля 2003 в 07:25

Что все строки лога прямо в сообщение выкладывать или можно как-то файл приклеить?

Женя   3 апреля 2003 в 07:40

Вот мой лог:
Log: Log file open, 04/01/03 19:13:32
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows 98 4.90 (Build: 73010104)
Init: Version: 2199 (121.29)
Init: Compiled: Feb 13 2003 21:35:33
Init: Command line:
Init: Base directory: F:GAMESUTSYSTEM
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Build label: UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2003-02-13_18.53]
Log: Bound to Window.dll
Log: Bound to Core.dll
Log: Bound to Engine.dll
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: Computer:
Init: User:
Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=1
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (AuthenticAMD)
Init: CPU Features: CMov FPU RDTSC PAE MMX
Init: CPU Speed=930.594175 MHz
Init: Memory total: Phys=261556K Pagef=1222432K Virt=2093056K
Init: Working set: 0 / 0
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Bound to WinDrv.dll
Init: Client initialized
Log: Bound to D3DDrv.dll
Init: Direct3D adapters detected:
Log: NVDD32.DLL/NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
Init: D3D Driver: MaxTextureBlendStages=8
Init: D3D Driver: MaxSimultaneousTextures=2
Init: D3D Driver: MaxActiveLights=8
Init: D3D Driver: MaxPrimitiveCount=65535
Init: D3D Driver: MaxVertexIndex=65535
Init: D3D Driver: MaxStreams=16
Init: D3D Driver: MaxStreamStride=255
Init: D3D Driver: MaxVertexShaderConst=0
Init: D3D Driver: VertexShaderVersion=0.0
Init: D3D Driver: PixelShaderVersion=0.0
Init: D3D Driver: AGP support detected
Init: D3D Driver: Using w- pixel fog
Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
Init: Unreal Engine Direct3D support - internal version: SB3
Init: D3D Device: szDriver=NVDD32.DLL
Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
Init: D3D Device: wProduct=4
Init: D3D Device: wVersion=14
Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=1
Init: D3D Device: wBuild=4345
Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=272
Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=33624286
Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=178
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia video card
Init: D3D Device: using cubemaps [with mipmaps]
Log: (Karma): Beginning Karma for game.
Log: (Karma): Creating MeAssetDB.
Log: (Karma): Loading: Alien.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: Bot.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: Human.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: JUGG.KA
Log: (Karma): Finished Creating MeAssetDB (10 Assets).
Log: Adding MD5 Entry for 29AD28A1489711F9334AB58DA12927A1 [95c3bc0c337c688e70ee9b15672307bb]
Log: Adding MD5 Entry for D48B991646A76A036216E4B362E69FF8 [897021478368d423571098298fb80528]
Log: Adding MD5 Entry for ABDE332B4393522E6F0D61887288C0A1 [ed293382fa86f1ad8dfba0df1876eb37]
Log: LoadMap: Entry
Log: Bound to XGame.dll
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend EpicParticles.Shaders.FireFinal
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend EpicParticles.Shaders.IonSphereFinal
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend EpicParticles.Shaders.IonTrueFinal
Warning: Missing Shader Shader EpicParticles.Shaders.FlameRingShader
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Beams.RadialBands
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend EpicParticles.Shaders.IonRingFinal
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Flares.SoftFlare
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Smoke.FlameGradient
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Flares.Sharpstreaks2
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Spots.DeRez01aw
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Flares.HotSpot
Log: Bound to Editor.dll
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Smoke.FlameGradient
Warning: Missing Texture Texture TeamSymbols.LinkBeaconT
Warning: Missing Texture Texture UCGeneric.DetailTextures.detail71
Warning: Missing StaticMesh StaticMesh XGame_rc.BombEffectMesh
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend XGameShaders.RedFlagShader_F
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend XGameShaders.BlueFlagShader_F
Warning: Missing Texture Texture XGameShaders.PlayerShaders.TransPlayerCellRed
Warning: Missing Texture Texture XGameShaders.PlayerShaders.LinkGunShell
Warning: Missing VertMesh VertMesh XGame_rc.banner
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend XEffectMat.Shield.BlueShell
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend XEffectMat.Shield.RedShell
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend XEffectMat.Combos.InvisOverlayFB
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Flares.Sharpstreaks2
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Spots.DeRez01aw
Warning: Missing StaticMesh StaticMesh WeaponStaticMesh.GrenadeMesh
Warning: Property PhysicsVolumeList of Class Engine.LevelInfo not found
Warning: Skipping 1 bytes of type 5
Warning: Property LevelMenuClass of Class Engine.LevelInfo not found
Warning: Skipping 21 bytes of type 13
Warning: Property LastRenderTime of DefaultPhysicsVolume is not serialiable
Warning: Skipping 4 bytes of type 4
Warning: Property LastRenderTime of PlayerStart is not serialiable
Warning: Skipping 4 bytes of type 4
Warning: Property LastRenderTime of AttractCamera is not serialiable
Warning: Skipping 4 bytes of type 4
Warning: Property bNetDirty of AttractCamera is not serialiable
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
Log: (Karma): Using x86 Optimizations
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
Log: Game class is ''GameInfo''
Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
Warning: Paths may not be valid.
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 0.011140...
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: NvidiaLogo.ut2?Name=SHLAK?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Gorge?team=0
Log: LoadMap: NvidiaLogo.ut2?Name=SHLAK?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Gorge?team=0
Warning: Missing Texture Texture HumanoidArchitecture2.Bases.bas05dHA
Warning: Missing Texture Texture XGameShaders.ZoomFX.RedeemerReticle
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Flares.SoftFlare
Warning: Missing StaticMesh StaticMesh WeaponStaticMesh.FlakChunk
Warning: Missing StaticMesh StaticMesh WeaponStaticMesh.RocketProj
Warning: Missing StaticMesh StaticMesh WeaponStaticMesh.FlakShell
Warning: Missing StaticMesh StaticMesh WeaponStaticMesh.RedeemerMissile
Warning: Missing Texture Texture WeaponSkins.Skins.RocketShellTex
Warning: Missing Texture Texture WeaponSkins.Skins.FlakSlugTex
Warning: Missing Texture Texture WeaponSkins.Skins.FlakChunkTex
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Fire.IonBurn2
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Fire.IonBurn
Warning: Missing Texture Texture EpicParticles.Smoke.IonWave
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend XEffectMat.Shield.RedShell
Warning: Missing FinalBlend FinalBlend XEffectMat.Shield.BlueShell
Warning: Missing Shader Shader XGameShaders.PlayerShaders.PlayerTransRed
Warning: Missing Shader Shader XGameShaders.PlayerShaders.LinkHit
Warning: Missing StaticMesh StaticMesh WeaponStaticMesh.GrenadeMesh
Warning: Type mismatch in MA of Orientation: file 2, class 16
Warning: Skipping 4 bytes of type 2
Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
Log: (Karma): Using x86 Optimizations
Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 15762->15722; refs: 155094
Log: Game class is ''CinematicGame''
Log: Level is Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel
Warning: Paths may not be valid.
Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 0.000084...
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is NvidiaLogo.Mutator
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Warning: ImportText: Struct missing ''('' in: None
Warning: ImportText: Struct missing ''('' in: None
Log: Bound to XInterface.dll
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Warning: Failed to load ''ExitScreen'': Can''t find file for package ''ExitScreen''
Warning: Failed to load ''XInterface'': Can''t find file for package ''ExitScreen''
Warning: Failed to load ''Class XInterface.GUIController'': Can''t find file for package ''ExitScreen''
IMaster: Could not load interaction [ini:Engine.Engine.GUIController]
Log: Could not spawn a GUI Controller!
Warning: Failed to load ''ExitScreen'': Can''t find file for package ''ExitScreen''
Warning: Failed to load ''XInterface'': Can''t find file for package ''ExitScreen''
Warning: Failed to load ''Class XInterface.extendedconsole'': Can''t find file for package ''ExitScreen''
IMaster: Could not load interaction [ini:Engine.Engine.Console]
Critical: UGameEngine::Init
Critical: InitEngine
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
Localization: No localization: Window.IDDIALOG_CrashBox.IDC_CrashBox (int)
Localization: No localization: Window.IDDIALOG_CrashBox.IDC_CrashBox (int)
Localization: No localization: Window.IDDIALOG_CrashBox.IDC_CrashBox (int)
Localization: No localization: Window.IDDIALOG_CrashBox.IDC_CrashBox (int)
Exit: Exiting.
Log: Waiting for file streaming thread to finish...
Init: CPU FP precision changed from 53 to 24-bit
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 04/01/03 19:14:13

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